
- UMGC earned Clean Corporate Citizens Certification through the Michigan Department of Environment Quality in July 2015. We joined Radrick Farms as the only two golf courses in the state to do so.
- Scott Rockov, Superintendent of the University of Michigan Golf Course, earned certification in the e-par Environmental Management System Certified Professional program.
- UMGC is certified in the Michigan Turfgrass Environmental Stewardship Program (MTESP). This certification involved implementing practices which reduce pollution, limit energy consumption, and protect the surrounding watershed. The MTESP certification aligns well with Michigan Athletics’ long term sustainability goals, some of which include water conservation and stream protection
- Partner in the Washtenaw County Community Partners for Clean Streams Program
- Clubhouse operations earned Planet Blue’s Platinum level for Sustainable Workplace at the University of Michigan, 2013
- Golf Course earned 1st Place in Waste Reduction in the 2013 Recycling Champions competition for Planet Blue.
- In coordination with U-M Athletics‘ sustainability goals in 2012, increased naturalized areas by 20 acres, approximately the size of 15 football fields
- Striving to meet President Mary Sue Coleman’s 2025 campus sustainability goals with waste reduction, 50 percent of waste from football game day parking at the golf course was recycled in the 2012 season
- In line with Michigan Athletics’ waste reduction and recycling initiatives, the golf course composted all organic matter from the golf course and soccer grounds
- UMGC strives for environmental sustainability through the use of moisture meters and a variable frequency drive pump station for more precise water application

Postma Efforts Details

The new Richard L. Postma Family Clubhouse opened April 2017, replacing the original constructed in 1950 :
- Optimizes operational functions
- Increases energy efficiency
- Grades changes
- Repair of the creek lining
- New structure for the west side crossing of the creek
- Features relocated parking
Energy Efficiency Efforts
- Building envelop designed to be 4% more efficient then required by ASHRAE 90.1-2007
- High performance curtain wall windows assemblies increase thermal performance of the building envelope
- In-floor radiant heating maintains building temperatures during unoccupied periods without operation of packaged rooftop units
- High efficiency condensing boilers with turndowns ratios of 5:1
- Energy efficient LED lighting
- Occupancy sensors turn of lights when spaces are unoccupied
- Commercial dishwashing units recirculate exhaust air to eliminate exhaust fan operation and conditioning of make-up air
- Variable speed compressions allow for peak efficiency in low load conditions and avoid short cycling of equipment
Other Sustainability Features
- Built on previously developed site to reduce impact on environment
- Project site located near public and U-M bus routes to encourage use of public transportation
- Impervious surface are reduction to reduce stormwater runoff
- A 20% water consumption savings beyond Michigan Plumbing Code is anticipated though the use of low flow plumbing fixtures
- Bottle refill station provided on electric water cooler to promote reusable bottles
- Sorting and recycling of demolition and construction waste where possible
- Use and recycling of demolition and construction waste where possible
- Use of recycled and regional materials where possible